Handy Tips And Tricks For Writing An Essay On A Movie

An essay on a movie is totally different from the narration you give to friends after a long adventurous weekend. It is a serious academic endeavor that will contribute to your overall performance. It bears similarities with a paper on a literary text, but the approach is a little bit different. How do you produce an excellent paper on a movie?

Begin by Watching the Movie

Anyone will jump into the opportunity to watch a movie, whether for academic purpose or otherwise. This is a rare chance to enjoy your academic work. It becomes more interesting if the paper is on your favorite movie.

The main purpose of watching the movie is to get an idea of what you will be expected to write on. Some of the areas you may focus on include the plot, characters, production techniques, semblance to reality or the original book, creativity, etc. These aspects can only be confirmed if you have a first hand experience of the action in the movie.

Watch the Movie Again

The fun part of watching the movie is over. It is time to focus on your assignment. The purpose of the second run is to generate a valuable focus. Having identified lighting technique as your focus in the essay, it is time to trace concrete evidence in the movie. Watch the movie with the intention of identifying aspects of lighting that will go into your paper.

Review other Papers on Movies

There are very few papers written on particular movies and the industry in general. This might present a challenge with the perspective to take as well as how to present your ideas. The solution lies in searching for other papers on the movie or on other movies. This will give you an idea of the best approach in your paper.

Follow Other General Writing Rules

Having identified the movie and the approach to adapt, it is time to compile your paper. Standard writing rules apply in this case. They include the choice of an interesting title, creating an introduction that arouses curiosity, having a body containing well supported and organized ideas as well as a conclusion that provides an effective summary.

An essay on a movie can be considered as a literary exercise. Your ability to pay attention to details will enable you produce excellent work. It will also take a great deal of creativity to make the paper interesting.

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