2 Kinds Of An Expository Essay: Writing Tips For Students

Unlike an argumentative or any other type of essay, expository essays are not the type of academic papers in which you are expected to take a stand on a particular topic or issue. Instead, in writing this type of paper, you expose certain facts about a given topic, subject or item. However, when it comes to structure, it is almost the same thing with the other essays since it also entails composing an introduction, body of paragraphs and conclusion. There are various types of expository essays but for the purpose of this article, two of those types will be evaluated.

Process Essay: In this type of expository essay, you use it to enlighten your target readers on how to carry out certain tasks or the various steps that need to be taken in order to successfully accomplish a certain feat. In writing this type of academic paper, you have to make sure that it has all the details written in very simple and easy to understand format. Some good examples of expository writing are:

  • How to tie shoe laces
  • How to bake home-made bread
  • How to extract milk from coconut
  • How to play Nintendo games

Descriptive Essay: This is another type of expository writing and entails creating a clear and visual image through your writing. Just like the process writing, it is also very much detail-oriented. If for example you are asked to write this type of paper about your first motorcycle, you should be very specific about the unique features of such motorcycle. Some of these features include the following:

  • The colour
  • The model
  • Its sound
  • Its distinct smell
  • The texture of the leather
  • Its dents, if any

You can also go further to write about how long you have used the motorcycle and where possible, its mileage. Remember, whatever would help create a visual image of this object before the readers should not be left out. There are lots of other options as far as descriptive essay is concerned and they include the following:

  • Your first day in high school
  • Your favourite food
  • Your first international vacation
  • Your graduation day
  • The most important person in your life

The list just goes on. Remember that an expository paper is not about your opinion but about the facts and details of a given subject matter. These should all be backed up with examples where necessary.

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